
Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin to make the skin firmer, smoothing lines and wrinkles.
Available at clinics in Leeds & Wakefield.



Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin to make the skin firmer, smoothing lines and wrinkles.
Available at clinics in Leeds & Wakefield.

5* Patient Reviews

5* Patient Reviews

Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin to make the skin firmer, smoothing lines and wrinkles

Is a consultation required?

Yes, book here

How long does the treatment take?

20-30 minutes

Will anaesthetic be used?


When will I see results?

After 4-6 weeks but requires 2-3 initial treatments

How long will the results last?

4-6 months

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £300

Which areas are treated?

Face, Neck, Hands, see full list

Other treatments to consider

Ameela, Anti-Wrinkle Injections , Dermal Fillers

Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin to make the skin firmer, smoothing lines and wrinkles

Is a consultation required?

Yes, book here

How long does the treatment take?

20-30 minutes

Will anaesthetic be used?


When will I see results?

After 4-6 weeks but requires 2-3 initial treatments

How long will the results last?

4-6 months

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £300

Which areas are treated?

Face, Neck, Hands, see full list

Other treatments to consider

Ameela, Anti-Wrinkle Injections , Dermal Fillers

Meet Dr Helen

Dr Helen Davison (BDS MFDS) leads all medical treatments at Facesthetics.

Meet Dr Helen

Dr Helen Davison (BDS MFDS) leads all medical treatments at Facesthetics.

Before & After Dermal Filler

ZO Skin Care

Enjoy stronger, healthier and brighter skin with ZO Skin Health.

A Patient’s Guide to Profhilo Treatment at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield

At Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield, Profhilo is an innovative and effective skin rejuvenation treatment that can address multiple signs of ageing. 


This guide aims to provide you with valuable insights into the benefits, expected results, preparation, procedure details, aftercare, and maintenance of Profhilo treatment.


The Benefits

Profhilo treatment offers numerous benefits that make it a popular choice for skin rejuvenation. Some key advantages include:


  • Stimulated Collagen and Elastin Production: Profhilo stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential proteins that provide skin elasticity and firmness.


  • Improved Skin Hydration: The treatment helps improve skin hydration, resulting in a plump and radiant complexion.


  • Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Profhilo can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a smoother and more youthful-looking skin.


  • Quick and Minimally Invasive: Profhilo treatment is quick, minimally invasive, and involves a series of injections that cause minimal discomfort.


Expected Results

The results of Profhilo treatment are typically visible after a few weeks, as collagen and elastin production increases. Patients can expect improved skin texture, hydration, and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The skin appears rejuvenated and glowing.


Prepare for the Procedure

Before your Profhilo treatment at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield, our team will schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and medical history. To prepare for the procedure, follow these guidelines:


  • Avoid Blood Thinners: Refrain from taking self prescribed  blood-thinning medications or supplements to minimise the risk of bruising.


  • Inform About Allergies: Inform your practitioner about any allergies or sensitivities you may have.


  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Minimise sun exposure and use sunscreen daily to protect your skin.


The Procedure Itself

The Profhilo procedure at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield involves a series of injections strategically placed in specific areas of the face, neck or body. The procedure includes the following steps:


  • Consultation: You will meet with our experienced practitioner to discuss your concerns and desired outcomes.

  • Injection Points: The practitioner will identify specific injection points to achieve optimal results.

  • Injection Technique: Profhilo is injected in a unique BAP technique, which involves five injection points on each side of the face, neck or body.

Comfort Measures: While the procedure is relatively comfortable, a topical numbing cream may be applied to enhance your experience.
Aftercare and Recovery

After your Profhilo treatment, follow these aftercare tips to ensure optimal results and minimise side effects: 

  • Avoid Touching the Treated Areas: Refrain from touching or massaging the treated areas for a few hours after the injections.

  • No Strenuous Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise and activities for 24 hours after the procedure.

  • Stay Upright: Avoid lying down for at least four hours after the injections.

  • No Alcohol: Abstain from alcohol consumption for 24 hours post-treatment to reduce swelling.

  • No Alcohol: Abstain from alcohol consumption for 24 hours post-treatment to reduce swelling. Expected Downtime

    The downtime after Profhilo treatment is minimal, with most patients experiencing little to no downtime. Some may experience mild swelling or bruising, which typically subsides within a few days.
    Maintenance and Touch-Up Treatments

    To maintain the results of Profhilo treatment, we recommended 2-3 initial treatments a month apart and then a single maintenance treatment every four months or two treatments every six months. Your practitioner will advise you on the appropriate frequency for maintenance based on your individual needs.

    In conclusion, Profhilo treatment at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield offers a remarkable solution for skin rejuvenation, addressing multiple signs of ageing. With its numerous benefits, natural-looking results, and minimal downtime, Profhilo is an excellent option for those seeking a refreshed and radiant complexion. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to providing personalised care and helping you achieve your desired skin rejuvenation, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics and boosting your self-confidence.

A Patient’s Guide to Profhilo Treatment at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield

At Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield, Profhilo is an innovative and effective skin rejuvenation treatment that can address multiple signs of ageing. 


This guide aims to provide you with valuable insights into the benefits, expected results, preparation, procedure details, aftercare, and maintenance of Profhilo treatment.


The Benefits

Profhilo treatment offers numerous benefits that make it a popular choice for skin rejuvenation. Some key advantages include:


  • Stimulated Collagen and Elastin Production: Profhilo stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, essential proteins that provide skin elasticity and firmness.


  • Improved Skin Hydration: The treatment helps improve skin hydration, resulting in a plump and radiant complexion.


  • Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Profhilo can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a smoother and more youthful-looking skin.


  • Quick and Minimally Invasive: Profhilo treatment is quick, minimally invasive, and involves a series of injections that cause minimal discomfort.


Expected Results

The results of Profhilo treatment are typically visible after a few weeks, as collagen and elastin production increases. Patients can expect improved skin texture, hydration, and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The skin appears rejuvenated and glowing.


Prepare for the Procedure

Before your Profhilo treatment at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield, our team will schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and medical history. To prepare for the procedure, follow these guidelines:


  • Avoid Blood Thinners: Refrain from taking self prescribed  blood-thinning medications or supplements to minimise the risk of bruising.


  • Inform About Allergies: Inform your practitioner about any allergies or sensitivities you may have.


  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Minimise sun exposure and use sunscreen daily to protect your skin.


The Procedure Itself

The Profhilo procedure at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield involves a series of injections strategically placed in specific areas of the face, neck or body. The procedure includes the following steps:


  • Consultation: You will meet with our experienced practitioner to discuss your concerns and desired outcomes.

  • Injection Points: The practitioner will identify specific injection points to achieve optimal results.

  • Injection Technique: Profhilo is injected in a unique BAP technique, which involves five injection points on each side of the face, neck or body.

Comfort Measures: While the procedure is relatively comfortable, a topical numbing cream may be applied to enhance your experience.
Aftercare and Recovery

After your Profhilo treatment, follow these aftercare tips to ensure optimal results and minimise side effects: 

  • Avoid Touching the Treated Areas: Refrain from touching or massaging the treated areas for a few hours after the injections.

  • No Strenuous Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise and activities for 24 hours after the procedure.

  • Stay Upright: Avoid lying down for at least four hours after the injections.

  • No Alcohol: Abstain from alcohol consumption for 24 hours post-treatment to reduce swelling.

  • No Alcohol: Abstain from alcohol consumption for 24 hours post-treatment to reduce swelling. Expected Downtime

    The downtime after Profhilo treatment is minimal, with most patients experiencing little to no downtime. Some may experience mild swelling or bruising, which typically subsides within a few days.
    Maintenance and Touch-Up Treatments

    To maintain the results of Profhilo treatment, we recommended 2-3 initial treatments a month apart and then a single maintenance treatment every four months or two treatments every six months. Your practitioner will advise you on the appropriate frequency for maintenance based on your individual needs.

    In conclusion, Profhilo treatment at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield offers a remarkable solution for skin rejuvenation, addressing multiple signs of ageing. With its numerous benefits, natural-looking results, and minimal downtime, Profhilo is an excellent option for those seeking a refreshed and radiant complexion. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to providing personalised care and helping you achieve your desired skin rejuvenation, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics and boosting your self-confidence.

Fillers can strengthen the creases developing an almost mesh framework beneath the skin and support the point of weakness. We do this by using minimal amounts of filler and in doing so also stimulate your own body to start producing more collagen.

A treatment to consider for fine lines and wrinkles that develop from your smile line – what we like to call the ‘ripple’ effect.

ZO Skin Care

Enjoy stronger, healthier and brighter skin with ZO Skin Health.

Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield

Facesthetics is an aesthetic, medical clinic run by medical professionals in Leeds and Wakefield, Yorkshire.

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