Tear Trough Fillers

Tear trough fillers treat the under eye area by removing hollowness and tired looking dark circles.
Available at clinics in Leeds & Wakefield.

Tear Trough Fillers

Tear trough fillers treat the under eye area by removing hollowness and tired looking dark circles.
Available at clinics in Leeds & Wakefield.

5* Patient Reviews

5* Patient Reviews

Short Guide to Tear Trough Fillers

Is a consultation required?

Yes, book here

How long does the treatment take?

30-40 minutes

Will anaesthetic be used?

Yes, anaesthetic cream

When will I see results?


How long will the results last?

12-18 months

How much does it cost?

Prices start from £450

Which areas are treated?

Under the eye and side of the eye

Other treatments to consider

Ameela, Anti-Wrinkle injections, Profhilo

Tear Trough Fillers FAQ

Is a consultation required?

Yes, book here

How long does the treatment take?

30-40 minutes

Will anaesthetic be used?

Yes, anaesthetic cream

When will I see results?


How long will the results last?

12-18 months

How much does it cost?

From £450

Which areas are treated?

Under the eye and side of the eye

Other treatments to consider

Ameela, Anti-Wrinkle injections, Profhilo

Meet Dr Helen

Dr Helen Davison (BDS MFDS) leads all medical treatments at Facesthetics.

Meet Dr Helen

Dr Helen Davison (BDS MFDS) leads all medical treatments at Facesthetics.

Before & After Tear Trough Fillers

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A Patient Guide to Tear Trough Fillers at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield

Tear Trough Fillers at Facesthetics in Leeds and Wakefield are a popular cosmetic procedure designed to address under-eye hollows and dark circles, rejuvenating the eye area and providing a more refreshed and youthful appearance. 


At Facesthetics, we are dedicated to providing top-quality care and delivering natural-looking results. In this guide, we will explore the benefits, expected outcomes, preparation, procedure details, aftercare, and maintenance of Tear Trough Fillers.


The Benefits


Tear trough fillers offer numerous benefits that make them sought-after treatments for under-eye rejuvenation. Some key advantages include:


  • Reduced Under-Eye Hollows: Tear trough fillers effectively fill in and smooth out hollows under the eyes, minimising the appearance of shadows and dark circles.


  • Refreshed and Youthful Appearance: The procedure provides a more rejuvenated and rested look to the eyes, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.


  • Natural-Looking Results: Tear trough fillers provide subtle and natural-looking enhancements, avoiding an overdone or unnatural appearance.


  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure is non-surgical and minimally invasive, involving a series of small injections.


  • Quick Procedure: Tear trough filler treatments are usually quick, allowing patients to resume their daily activities shortly after.


Expected Results


The results of tear trough filler treatment are visible immediately after the procedure, with some initial swelling subsiding within 7-10 days. Patients can expect a smoother under-eye area, reduced dark circles, and a more youthful appearance.


Prepare for the Procedure


Before your Tear Trough Filler treatment our team will schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations. To prepare for the procedure, we will check your:


  • Medical History: Provide your medical history, including any allergies or previous cosmetic procedures, during the consultation.


  • Avoid Blood Thinners: Refrain from taking self-prescribed blood-thinning medications or supplements to reduce the risk of bruising and inform your practitioner of any prescribed medications.


  • No Alcohol: Avoid alcohol 24h prior to the procedure to minimise swelling and bruising.


  • Discuss Expectations: Clearly communicate your desired under-eye enhancements with your medical professional.

The Procedure Itself


During the Tear Trough Filler procedure at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield, your skilled practitioner will perform the following steps:


  • Cleansing: The treatment area is cleansed and prepared for the injections.


  • Numbing: A topical numbing cream may be applied to enhance your comfort during the procedure.


  • Treatment: The filler is carefully and precisely injected using a fine needle or cannula into the tear trough area, guided by your personalised treatment plan.


  • Symmetry and Precision: Our medical professionals have extensive experience in achieving balanced and natural-looking results.

Areas Treated


Tear Trough Fillers are used to address the following concerns:


  • Under-Eye Hollows: To fill in and smooth out sunken areas beneath the eyes.


  • Dark Circles: To reduce the appearance of dark circles and shadows under the eyes which we often perceive as tiredness. 

Aftercare and Recovery


After your Tear Trough Filler treatment, follow these aftercare tips to ensure optimal results and minimise side effects:


  • Avoid Touching the Treated Area: Refrain from touching or massaging the tear troughs for a few hours after the injections.


  • No Strenuous Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise and activities for 24 hours after the procedure.


  • Stay Upright: Avoid lying down for at least four hours after the injections to prevent the migration of the filler.


  • No Alcohol: Abstain from alcohol consumption for 24 hours post-treatment to reduce swelling.


  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help the filler settle evenly.

Expected Downtime


The downtime after Tear Trough Filler treatment is minimal, with most patients experiencing little to no downtime. Some may experience mild swelling or bruising in the under-eye area, which typically resolves within 7-10 days.

Maintenance and Touch-Up Treatments


To maintain the results of Tear Trough Fillers, periodic touch-up treatments are recommended. The frequency of touch-ups varies based on individual metabolism and the type of filler used.

In conclusion, Tear Trough Fillers at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield provide an effective solution for under-eye rejuvenation. With their numerous benefits, natural-looking results, and minimal downtime, Tear Trough Fillers offer an excellent option for those seeking to achieve a smoother under-eye area and a more refreshed appearance. Our dedicated medical professionals are committed to providing personalised care and helping you achieve your desired under-eye enhancements, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics and boosting your self-confidence.

Fillers can be used to replace the lost volume in the tear trough resulting in a less tired, more youthful look. By volumising the area it may also soften any lines and wrinkles developing in the area but also will boost your own collagen production.


Tear trough or dark circles which have developed with age may also benefit from other treatments such as cheek fillers to replace the lost volume also in the midface.

Muscle relaxing injections around the crow’s feet may also help further soften any lines and wrinkles and prevent narrowing of the eye when smiling – again giving a more youthful appearance.

A Patient Guide to Tear Trough Fillers at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield

Tear Trough Fillers at Facesthetics in Leeds and Wakefield are a popular cosmetic procedure designed to address under-eye hollows and dark circles, rejuvenating the eye area and providing a more refreshed and youthful appearance. 


At Facesthetics, we are dedicated to providing top-quality care and delivering natural-looking results. In this guide, we will explore the benefits, expected outcomes, preparation, procedure details, aftercare, and maintenance of Tear Trough Fillers.


The Benefits


Tear trough fillers offer numerous benefits that make them sought-after treatments for under-eye rejuvenation. Some key advantages include:


  • Reduced Under-Eye Hollows: Tear trough fillers effectively fill in and smooth out hollows under the eyes, minimising the appearance of shadows and dark circles.


  • Refreshed and Youthful Appearance: The procedure provides a more rejuvenated and rested look to the eyes, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.


  • Natural-Looking Results: Tear trough fillers provide subtle and natural-looking enhancements, avoiding an overdone or unnatural appearance.


  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure is non-surgical and minimally invasive, involving a series of small injections.


  • Quick Procedure: Tear trough filler treatments are usually quick, allowing patients to resume their daily activities shortly after.


Expected Results


The results of tear trough filler treatment are visible immediately after the procedure, with some initial swelling subsiding within 7-10 days. Patients can expect a smoother under-eye area, reduced dark circles, and a more youthful appearance.


Prepare for the Procedure


Before your Tear Trough Filler treatment our team will schedule a consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations. To prepare for the procedure, we will check your:


  • Medical History: Provide your medical history, including any allergies or previous cosmetic procedures, during the consultation.


  • Avoid Blood Thinners: Refrain from taking self-prescribed blood-thinning medications or supplements to reduce the risk of bruising and inform your practitioner of any prescribed medications.


  • No Alcohol: Avoid alcohol 24h prior to the procedure to minimise swelling and bruising.


  • Discuss Expectations: Clearly communicate your desired under-eye enhancements with your medical professional.

The Procedure Itself


During the Tear Trough Filler procedure at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield, your skilled practitioner will perform the following steps:


  • Cleansing: The treatment area is cleansed and prepared for the injections.


  • Numbing: A topical numbing cream may be applied to enhance your comfort during the procedure.


  • Treatment: The filler is carefully and precisely injected using a fine needle or cannula into the tear trough area, guided by your personalised treatment plan.


  • Symmetry and Precision: Our medical professionals have extensive experience in achieving balanced and natural-looking results.

Areas Treated


Tear Trough Fillers are used to address the following concerns:


  • Under-Eye Hollows: To fill in and smooth out sunken areas beneath the eyes.


  • Dark Circles: To reduce the appearance of dark circles and shadows under the eyes which we often perceive as tiredness. 

Aftercare and Recovery


After your Tear Trough Filler treatment, follow these aftercare tips to ensure optimal results and minimise side effects:


  • Avoid Touching the Treated Area: Refrain from touching or massaging the tear troughs for a few hours after the injections.


  • No Strenuous Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise and activities for 24 hours after the procedure.


  • Stay Upright: Avoid lying down for at least four hours after the injections to prevent the migration of the filler.


  • No Alcohol: Abstain from alcohol consumption for 24 hours post-treatment to reduce swelling.


  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help the filler settle evenly.

Expected Downtime


The downtime after Tear Trough Filler treatment is minimal, with most patients experiencing little to no downtime. Some may experience mild swelling or bruising in the under-eye area, which typically resolves within 7-10 days.

Maintenance and Touch-Up Treatments


To maintain the results of Tear Trough Fillers, periodic touch-up treatments are recommended. The frequency of touch-ups varies based on individual metabolism and the type of filler used.

In conclusion, Tear Trough Fillers at Facesthetics Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield provide an effective solution for under-eye rejuvenation. With their numerous benefits, natural-looking results, and minimal downtime, Tear Trough Fillers offer an excellent option for those seeking to achieve a smoother under-eye area and a more refreshed appearance. Our dedicated medical professionals are committed to providing personalised care and helping you achieve your desired under-eye enhancements, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics and boosting your self-confidence.

Fillers can be used to replace the lost volume in the tear trough resulting in a less tired, more youthful look. By volumising the area it may also soften any lines and wrinkles developing in the area but also will boost your own collagen production.


Tear trough or dark circles which have developed with age may also benefit from other treatments such as cheek fillers to replace the lost volume also in the midface.

Muscle relaxing injections around the crow’s feet may also help further soften any lines and wrinkles and prevent narrowing of the eye when smiling – again giving a more youthful appearance.

ZO Skin Care

Enjoy stronger, healthier and brighter skin with ZO Skin Health.

Clinics in Leeds and Wakefield

Facesthetics is an aesthetic, medical clinic run by medical professionals in Leeds and Wakefield, Yorkshire.

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